20% of individuals with acute mental illness agree their mental illness made/makes it difficult to understand salvation
Most pastors indicate they personally know one or more people who have been diagnosed with clinical depression (74%), bipolar disorder (76%), and schizophrenia (45%)
23% of pastors indicate they have personally struggled with mental illness of some kind
22% of pastors agree that they are reluctant to get involved with those with acute mental illness because of strained time and resources
59% of pastors have counseled one or more people who were eventually diagnosed with an acute mental illness
66% Protestant senior pastors seldom speak to their congregation about mental illness (Life Way Research, 2014).
Systemic Mental Health Consultation in the church is a social-emotional and strength-based psychological approach to faith-centered clinical mental health care that is simultaneously co-located, collaborative, and integrated within the church. The goal of Systemic Mental Health Consultation in the church is to improve and promote overall mental wellness and reduce stigma of mental health. – Dr. Debbie
We conduct research on mental health resources for faith-based organizations and provide a one-hour curriculum on social and emotional health to enhance clergy knowledge and reduce stigma.
We coordinate with willing and collaborative churches to set a training schedule to educate congregation on mental health and stigma prevention.
Conduct training of church clergy, leader, and volunteers on the importance of faith and quality mental health care.
Provide reflective coaching calls to church clergy, leader, and volunteers.